
The CIOp-UNLP SPIE/OSA Student Chapter started its activities in August 2007. Since informal meeting sharing a fresh drink the chapter begun taking form. First activities was lectures at CIOp, with national and international guests, including some topics covered by chapter’s students. Then we added several tasks such as collaboration in the organization of Conferences. On the other hand, an Optics Academic Program is developed beginning of year at Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales (UNLP), about fundamentals and applications of Optics to weeds and chlorophyll detection in crops. Also, we take advantage of the SPIE Visiting Lecturer Program to organize a Short Symposium about  the Visiting Lecturer’s topic.
The successful activities and the support of SPIE and OSA encourage us to continue in the same direction, teaching and learning about Optics and Photonics.